Learn the Who, How and Why of Winter Birds with LVAS VP, Barbara Malt

Join us on Zoom on Friday, Jan 31, 2025 at 7:00 pm Eastern Time (US and Canada) as LVAS Vice President Barbara Malt introduces the birds that winter with us here in eastern Pennsylvania.

We'll consider which birds migrate and which stay to brave the elements, and we'll discuss the adaptations that allow our wintering birds to get through the cold months. We'll also get to know some wintering species in your backyard and farther afield and how to identify them.

We hope you can join us.

You may register at any time up to the start of the meeting by clicking on the link below.


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Engage with LVAS, Help Maintain and Monitor Purple Martin Condos

We’ll need more help this year with installation labor, monitoring, maintenance, winter storage, and, of course, all the banding and data collection done each nesting season.

There were NO Purple Martins nesting at Minsi Lake before 2020. Thanks to Lehigh Valley Audubon Society (LVAS) volunteers, a large and growing Purple Martin colony can now be seen at Minsi Lake.

In 2024, the Northampton County Parks and Recreation and LVAS partnership managed 108 condos in six nesting towers—five at Minsi Lake Park and one at Louise Moore Park. Occupancy during nesting season in the Minsi Lake condos was over 90% with nesting pairs in 80 of the 90 condo units, including 36 new units.

Interested in volunteering? Email James Wilson, Recreation & Conservation Specialist for Northampton County Parks, at jwilson@norcop.gov to help with this Purple Martin project.

Complete the LVAS Volunteering Form to let us know what other volunteer opportunities might interest you.

Read more about Purple Martins at Minsi Lake.

Lehigh Valley Christmas Bird Count

Brandon Swayser

Originally Published in October - December 2024 Quarterly Newsletter of The Lehigh Valley Audubon Society

This year will mark the 125th annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC), the world’s longest-running citizen science project and wildlife census.

The Lehigh Valley Christmas Bird Count will take place on Saturday, December 21, 2024. This will be the 81st year of our count.

The Lehigh Valley Audubon Society (LVAS) administers the annual Lehigh Valley Christmas Bird Count, and several other counts occur nearby, any of which could use your help!

We are looking for 2 types of volunteer participants in our designated circle, feeder-watchers and extra counters.

Feeder-watchers who live within this circle are needed to accurately identify all species commonly seen in your yards, count birds for any length of time on the 21st and report your sightings on a datasheet that we will provide.

Extra counters will be placed on one of our 12 area leaders' teams, within our designated circle, to drive/walk most of the day to count birds.

We hope you can join us!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact LVAS’s count complier Brandon Swayser at brandon.swayser@davincisciencecenter.org

What is the Christmas Bird Count?

Winter Wren photographed during the 2022 Lehigh Valley CBC

Winter Wren photographed during the 2022 Lehigh Valley CBC

For those of you who are unfamiliar, the CBC is an annual volunteer-run census of birds that takes place across the western hemisphere from December 14th through January 5th every year. It is made up of thousands of local counts, each lasting 24 hours, covering a 15-mile wide diameter circle of land, and organized by a count compiler. Teams of volunteer counters typically split up areas of the circle and drive and/or walk those areas for up to 24 hours straight, recording the birds that they observe. Christmas Bird Counts are rich in tradition and camaraderie, and due to their thorough nature, often turn up some pretty incredible birds! For many birders, the CBC is one of the highlights of their year, a chance to catch up with old friends, see some rare birds, and above all else, contribute meaningful data to one of the worlds’ most powerful conservation science studies.

That sounds great and all, but isn’t really my cup of tea, how else can I help?

It’s understandable that spending 12+ hours straight birding in the cold isn’t for everyone, but there is another way in which most people can participate, and that is by being a feeder-watcher. Feeder-watchers spend a portion of their area’s count day observing their backyard birdfeeders, or any birds in their yard or local greenspace, and report their sightings to their area’s compiler.

Here are a few easy steps for getting involved as a feeder-watcher:

  1. Determine which (if any) circle your backyard is in by going to: https://www.audubon.org/community-science/christmas-bird-count/join-christmas-bird-count. Click the bold link on that page that says “click here for a map view of circles expected…” and zoom in to your home area on the map. If you are in a circle on that map, click the yellow bird icon in that circle and you will see the count date, and compiler’s contact info. This map may not be updated until November.

  2. Contact the compiler to see if you can sign up to be a feeder-watcher for that count. Don’t wait until the last minute.

  3. On the day of the count, keep a checklist of all bird species you see at your feeders, recording only the highest number of each species that you saw at one time - birds will often visit feeders many times over the course of the day, so this part is important. You also must record your effort - the amount of time that you spent counting birds in your yard and the number of observers who counted with you.

  4. Finally, follow your compiler’s instructions (usually a simple email) for reporting your observations.

Why is the CBC important?

By conducting a standardized survey of birds on the same date, in the same location, with the same methods, and usually by the same people year after year, we gain incredibly valuable data on long term changes in bird populations. CBC data has been the first alert to many population trends over the years and has made an immense impact on avian conservation science. Count data has pointed out downward population trends like that of Evening Grosbeaks and Common Grackle and has helped to inform scientists and catalyze the next steps of conservation work to help these species. Additionally, the CBC is a great way to get new birders involved and grow our team of citizen scientists, and hey, it’s fun!

The Impacts of Road Salt on Birds and Other Wildlife

Jennifer Latzgo, Pennsylvania Master Watershed Steward and Member of Little Lehigh Watershed Stewards

Originally Published in October - December 2023 Quarterly Newsletter of The Lehigh Valley Audubon Society

Photo of Salt Truck

It won’t be long before winter weather is upon us again, and the salt trucks are rumbling along Lehigh Valley roads. Road salting and brining are very effective at preventing accidents, but unfortunately, the application of sodium chloride and other similar chemicals can have a significant environmental impact which affects birds and other wildlife.

As more and more land is built up into warehouses, factories, and housing developments, the amount of roads, parking lots and other impervious surfaces increases too. This results in greater amounts of salt being applied by both local road crews and private contractors. Added to that, over the past 20 years, there has been an increasing expectation of completely clear roads and zero accidents due to icy conditions. This has led to fears of litigation, which have resulted in greater and greater amounts of road salt being applied. This increase has been exponential; rising from about 5,000 tons in the 1940’s to about 25 million metric tons today.

Graph courtesy of Stroud Water Research Center and Carey Institute of Ecosystem Studies. Data from USGS.

Once it is applied to roads and parking lots, this road salt enters the environment in various ways . Subsequent rain events will produce salty runoff which can flow across the land directly into streams, ponds, lakes, and wetlands, or it can seep down through the soil into the ground water. Even though the period of applying salt is just a few months of the year, this salt stays in the environment year-round. A recent study by the Little Lehigh Watershed Stewards showed elevated salt levels in local streams flowing at base level in August. This was done at a time when there had been no recent rainfall and the streams were being primarily fed by groundwater. Other studies from around the country show that the level of salt in streams, ponds, lakes, wetlands, groundwater, and drinking water is increasing.

For our birds, the application of road salt can be dangerous in various ways. Birds have kidneys that are less efficient than mammalian kidneys at removing sodium, and if they take in too much, they need to increase their water intake. This means that directly ingesting salt particles can be lethal . Sadly, dead birds have been observed on roadsides after salt has been applied in winter. Other birds have also been seen exhibiting strange behavior such as fearlessness or appearing to be weak, sick, or slow . These are all signs of having ingested too much salt.

Why are birds attracted to road salt?

Studies have found that they are looking for grit to digest their food, and the salt particles are the same size as grit. If birds do not have access to water, which may well be the case in wintertime, they can experience toxicological effects and die after ingesting as little as one particle of salt. Additionally, being attracted to roadside areas, and possibly having reduced fear on top of that, means that they are at high risk of being hit and killed by vehicles.

The other risk for birds is that increased salt levels interfere with the food webs that they depend on. If you go to any healthy creek and look among the rocks, you will find it teeming with all kinds of tiny creatures including insects, larvae, worms, and crayfish. Scientists call these animals macroinvertebrates, and their quantity and diversity are used as a very accurate indicator of stream health. Studies show that macroinvertebrates are negatively affected by increases in salt levels which cause stress and stunted development at low levels and mortality at high levels.

Other life in streams, lakes, and wetlands is also negatively impacted by salt . This includes zooplankton that live in ponds, lakes, and wetlands. They are important because they consume phytoplankton which can be the cause of algae blooms. Amphibians such as wood frogs and salamanders are vulnerable because they absorb salt through their skin. Also, wood frog tadpoles hatch in early spring when the salt levels are highest and can result in deformities as well as increased mortality.

So, as you can see, we have a big problem which is only going to get much worse if steps are not immediately taken.

What can you do?

First of all, be aware of the quantity of salt that you apply to your driveway and sidewalks in wintertime. You can reduce the amount you need by shoveling regularly. When you apply the salt, use about 12 ounces for a 20 foot driveway or 10 sidewalk paving squares. Always sweep up any leftover salt.

If you live in a controlled development that uses a private contractor, pay attention to how much road salt is being used, and if it appears to be excessive, bring it to the attention of your homeowners’ association.

Using liquid salt brine can result in as much as 70% less salt being used. Some municipalities such as the City of Allentown have switched to brining in recent years. If your municipality is still using salt crystals, encourage them to change to brine. There are also other measures that municipalities can take such as covering salt piles and using application regulators on their equipment. If you are interested in knowing more, check out the information at this link: https://www.iwla.org/water/stream-monitoring/salt-watch/road-salt-best-practices


Environmental Hazards of Road Salt https://extension.psu.edu/environmental-hazards-of-road-salt#:~:text=This%20exponential%20increase%2

A Fresh Look at Road Salt: Aquatic Toxicity and Water-Quality Impacts on Local, Regional, and National Scales https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/es101333u

River chloride trends in snow-affected urban watersheds: increasing concentrations outpace urban growth rate and are common among all seasons https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969714017148?via%3Dihub

Road Salts and Birds: An Assessment of the Risk with Particular Emphasis on Winter Finch Mortality https://www.jstor.org/stable/3785019#:~:text=The%20high%20attraction%20of%20salted,wildlife%20mmanag

Effects of road de-icing salt (NaCl) on larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16159689/

Muhlenberg Professor Daniel Klem, Jr. Honored with Walt Pomeroy Conservation Award

The Pennsylvania Audubon Council Eastern Chapter gathered at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA on November 2, 2024 to discuss challenges common to the three PA Council Chapters, to prioritize issues and to collaborate on solutions.

In the afternoon, Leigh Altadonna, President of the Pennsylvania Audubon Council, and Peter Saenger, President of the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society, presented the “Walt Pomeroy Conservation Award” to Muhlenberg Professor Dr. Daniel Klem, Jr. for his decades of avian research, including studies on bird deaths caused by window strikes.

Dr. Klem was nominated for this honor by the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society and the Presque Isle Audubon Society, and he was selected unanimously by the Council’s Executive Committee.

The award is a framed limited edition print of a Peregrine Falcon that was originally created to help fund the Lycoming Audubon Society's Peregrine reintroduction project in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

Pictured with his family, Dr. Daniel Klem, Jr. accepts the

Pictured with his family, Dr. Daniel Klem, Jr., author of Solid Air, accepts the “Walt Pomeroy Conservation Award” presented to him by the Pennsylvania Audubon Council