Barbara Malt
Originally Published in January - March 2024 Quarterly Newsletter of The Lehigh Valley Audubon Society
LVAS recently donated four birding backpacks to the children’s room at the Allentown Public Library. Each knapsack contains a field guide, a child-friendly pair of 6x Kowa binoculars, and simple instruction sheets in English and Spanish . Many thanks to our partners who helped make this possible: Lehigh Gap Nature Center for design/layout and Spanish translations, LL Bean for donating the knapsacks, and Kowa for donating the binoculars! What a team effort!
If you live in Allentown or any municipality that has library privileges with Allentown, you can check out a birding knapsack for up to three weeks. Parents and teachers out there, please alert any child or parent who may be interested!
Photo of LVAS Board Member, Barbara Malt, delivering Birding Backpacks to Allentown Public Library