Barbara Malt
Originally Published in April - June 2024 Quarterly Newsletter of The Lehigh Valley Audubon Society
With spring in sight, LVAS gave a children’s program on migration at the Allentown Public Library on March 9. We talked about migration – including what is it, what birds and other animals migrate and why, and who goes how far. Then, we played bird bingo to practice our ID to welcome arriving migrants. Last, kids ran around finding bird pictures in the children’s room to fill out a scavenger hunt card and decode a message. They all took home a bird ID sheet and a bird tattoo.
LVAS Vice President, Barbara Malt, teaching about bird migration at Allentown Public Library, Spring 2024
Sixteen children and 9 adults attended. This was part of a library series on nature instituted by the Allentown Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) and organized by EAC intern and LVAS member, Felice Cragin. Funding for the internship was provided by Bird Town Pennsylvania.
Children playing Bird Bingo at Allentown Public Library from LVAS Newsletter April 2024