Eastern PA Birdline: 10/14/2016

  • RBA
  • Pennsylvania
  • Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
  • October 14, 2016
  • PAEA1610.14
  • Birds mentioned


  • Transcript

Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: October 14th at 2:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.

You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .

You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .

The next Audubon program will be held on October 14th at 7:00 PM at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. The Delaware Valley Raptor Center will do a program with live raptors called “Close Encounters with Birds of Prey”.

There will be a field trip to a local hawkwatching site on October 22nd. Meet at the Tilghman Square parking lot, near the Red Robin restaurant, just west of Route 309 at 7:30 AM. Trip leader will be Mark Boyd.

Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .


Sightings from the WALNUTPORT area, Northampton County: BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING-DUCK – 1 to at least 10/13 (seen in the vicinity of the footbridge along Canal Street). Origin in question.

Sightings from LITTLE GAP, Carbon County: Ruffed Grouse – 1 on 10/11.

Sightings from BAKE OVEN KNOB, Lehigh County: Bald Eagles – 5 on 10/9; 6 on 10/10 Golden Eagles – 2 on 10/9; 7 on 10/10 Northern Goshawk – 1 on 10/11.

Sightings from LAKE TOWHEE, Bucks County: TRUMPETER SWAN – 1 on 10/8 and 10/10.

Sightings from LAKE NOCKAMIXON, Bucks County: SURF SCOTERS – 7 on 10/10 BLACK SCOTER – 1 on 10/10.

Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: Golden Eagle – 1 on 10/8.

Red-breasted Nuthatches continued to be reported from several sites this past week.

  • End transcript

Eastern PA Birdline: 10/7/2016

  • RBA
  • Pennsylvania
  • Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
  • October 7, 2016
  • PAEA1610.07
  • Birds mentioned


  • Transcript

Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: October 7th at 2:00 PM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.

You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .

You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .

There will be a field trip to Leaser Lake for waterfowl and fall migrants on October 8th. Meet at Leaser Lake’s north boat launch, located on Ontelaunee Road, at 8:00 AM. Frank Dickman will be leading this trip.

Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .


Sightings from BUSHKILL TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: PHILADELPHIA VIREO – 1 on 10/3.

Sightings from JACOBSBURG STATE PARK, Northampton County: CONNECTICUT WARBLER – 1 on 10/2.

Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: MISSISSIPPI KITES – 2 on 10/4.

Sightings from LAKE CATASAUQUA, Lehigh County: PHILADELPHIA VIREO – 1 on 10/4.

Sightings from the WALNUTPORT area, Northampton County: BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING-DUCK – 1 to at least 10/7 (seen in the vicinity of the footbridge along Canal Street). Origin in question.

Sightings from LITTLE GAP, Carbon County: Northern Goshawk – 1 on 10/3 (fly-by).

Sightings from BAKE OVEN KNOB, Lehigh County: Bald Eagles – 4 on 10/3 Sharp-shinned Hawks – 144 on 10/3 Northern Goshawk – 1 on 10/3 Merlins – 3 on 10/3.

Sightings from the TREXLER PARK, Lehigh County: MARSH WREN – 1 on 10/3 CONNECTICUT WARBLER – 1 on 10/3 and 10/5.

Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Church Road area: Peregrine Falcon – 1 on 9/30 Sanderling – 1 on 9/30 White-rumped Sandpiper – 1 on 10/3 LAUGHING GULL – 1 on 9/30. At the Walt Road area: Merlin – 1 on 10/2 LAUGHING GULL – 1 on 10/2 BLACK TERN – 1 on 10/2.

Red-breasted Nuthatches continued to be reported from several sites this past week.

  • End transcript

Chimney Swift Towers

Chris Hugosson in October - December 2016 Newsletter of The Lehigh Valley Audubon Society

Chimney Swifts suffer from fewer chimneys. Scott Burnet leads Lehigh Valley Audubon Society’s effort to help.

Hang on… Chimney Swifts Photo by Scott Burnet

There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Chimney Swift Tower Nests Photo by Scott Burnet.

There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Chimney Swift Tower Nests Photo by Scott Burnet.

Chimney Swift Tower

Even in a setting like this, Chimney Swifts have successfully reared chicks. Photo by Chris Hugosson

What is the problem

Chimney Swifts spend most of their life on the wing. But even they need to nest and, during migration, roost. Historically, large hollow trees served this function. But as large trees became rarer, chimneys replaced them. Today, even chimneys are becoming rarer as they are capped or taken down. This contributes to the Chimney Swift population falling. BirdLife International states that between 1966 to 2007 the population came down by 90% in Canada and 50% the USA. Counting survey blocks in the PA breeding bird atlas with confirmed nests, the numbers are down by more than 50% between the 1980s and 2000s.

What has been done

Existing chimneys need to be saved. Chimney Swifts do remember chimneys from year to year so keeping traditional roost sites available is important. And that has happened. LVAS has helped secure assurances that the chimney at Muhlenberg College will remain. Same thing with the 200 year old chimney at Lehigh Parkway. Both nice places to witness flocks of swifts swirl in right before sunset.

To reverse the negative trends that is not enough. New chimneys are needed. Hence we have towers that only serve Chimney Swifts.

Scott Burnet and his team of volunteers have so far built four towers in the Lehigh Valley. Starting in 2012 Scott built his first tower by his garage. In 2013 and 2014 two towers came up around Lake Muhlenberg. One tower on the island and the other on Cedar Beach. You might have seen the information kiosk around the one at Cedar Beach. This year one tower is coming up at Lehigh Gap Nature Center and another in Mertztown, Longswamp Township.

All these efforts have now started to bear fruit. The first nests have been confirmed in the Cedar Beach tower.

How to build

Building a tower takes both expertise and money. It quickly becomes apparent that without experience managing construction projects and a rich network of contacts, towers remain a dream. Challenges include getting permission to build, negotiating access to equipment, identifying price worthy material, and finding volunteers. And not least, having the grit to synchronize all the pieces. We are lucky to have such a person in Scott. Hearing Scott describe his kayak trips with ladders and swinging 60lb tower sections while balancing on a 10ft ladder in the dark just reinforces that image.

Thank you

LVAS has many to thank in addition to Scott.

  • James Hardie Corporation contributed siding material

  • Dries Lumber helps with material

  • Dan Kunkle’s group Color of Nature has volunteered many hours of work

  • Friends of Allentown Parks and Karen El Chaar has helped with funding and assistance

  • Lynn Serfass has helped with funding

  • And many volunteers have contributed to this success

What is next?

More towers will come up and you can help. Look for LVAS emails, facebook posts, and Meetup events where you can volunteer. You can also donate money via our website. If you prefer, you can earmark your donation to tower construction.

Eastern PA Birdline: 9/30/2016

  • RBA
  • Pennsylvania
  • Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
  • September 30, 2016
  • PAEA1609.30
  • Birds mentioned


  • Transcript

Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: September 30th at 1:00 PM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.

You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .

You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .

There will be a field trip to Leaser Lake for waterfowl and fall migrants on October 8th. Meet at Leaser Lake’s north boat launch, located on Ontelaunee Road, at 8:00 AM. Frank Dickman will be leading this trip.

Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .


Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVE (Tekening) area, Northampton County: CONNECTICUT WARBLER – 1 on 9/24.

Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: CONNECTICUT WARBLERS – 2 on 9/25.

Sightings from LITTLE GAP, Northampton County: Golden Eagle – 1 on 9/26 PHILADELPHIA VIREO – 1 on 9/27 PINE SISKINS – 6 on 9/25.

Sightings from LEASER LAKE, Lehigh County: GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH – 1 on 9/24.

Sightings from BAKE OVEN KNOB, Lehigh County: Bald Eagles – 8 on 9/25; 13 on 9/26 Broad-winged Hawks – 354 on 9/24 Peregrine Falcons – 9 on 9/26; 6 on 9/28 and 9/29 PHILADELPHIA VIREOS – 3 on 9/23.

Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Church Road area: Sanderling – 1 on 9/24.

Sightings from TINICUM TOWNSHIP, Bucks County: OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER – 1 on 9/24.

Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: Double-crested Cormorants – 54 on 9/24 Lesser Black-backed Gulls – 47 on 9/24.

Sightings from MERRILL CREEK RESERVOIR in nearby New Jersey: At the Scotts Mountain Hawkwatch: Bald Eagles – 7 on 9/24 Broad-winged Hawks – 1564 on 9/24.

Red-breasted Nuthatches continued to be reported from several sites this past week.

  • End transcript

Eastern PA Birdline: 9/17/2016

  • RBA
  • Pennsylvania
  • Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
  • September 17, 2016
  • PAEA1609.17
  • Birds mentioned


  • Transcript

Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: September 17th at 1:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.

You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .

You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .

There will also be a field trip to the Scotts Mountain hawkwatch at Merrill Creek Reservoir for morning migrants and, later, raptors on September 24th. Meet at the Park & Ride lot at the William Penn Highway exit off Route 33, just south of Route 22 at 7:30 AM. I will be leading this trip.

Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .


Sightings from LITTLE GAP, Carbon County: ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER – 1 on 9/15 (at the Blue Mountain Ski Resort).

Sightings from BAKE OVEN KNOB, Lehigh County: Osprey – 30 on 9/13 Bald Eagles – 10 on 9/11 Broad-winged Hawks – 526 on 9/13; 1303 on 9/16 Merlins – 29 on 9/11. Also Common Raven.

Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Church Road area: AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER – 1 on 9/10 Stilt Sandpipers – 3 on 9/11 Sanderling – 1 on 9/9 and 9/10 White-rumped Sandpipers – 1 on 9/10; 3 on 9/11 and 9/12; 1 on 9/14.

Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: Peregrine Falcon – 1 on 9/9 and 9/11 RED-HEADED WOODPECKER – 1 on 9/15.

Red-breasted Nuthatches continued to be reported from several sites this past week.

  • End transcript

Eastern PA Birdline: 9/2/2016

  • RBA
  • Pennsylvania
  • Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
  • September 2, 2016
  • PAEA1609.02
  • Birds mentioned


  • Transcript

Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: September 2nd at 2:00 PM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.

You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .

You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .

There will be a field trip to the Whitehall Parkway on September 3rd. Meet at the Whitehall Parkway in the Chestnut Street parking lot at the barn, west of Route 145, at 7:30 AM. Trip leader will be Adam Smith.

There will also be a field trip to Cape May, New Jersey on September 10th. Meet at the Tilghman Square parking lot, near the Red Robin restaurant, just west of Route 309 at 5:00 AM. Trip leader will be Scott Burnet.

The next Audubon program will be held on September 9th at 7:00 PM at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. A local bird bander will do a program called “Why Band the Birds?”

Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .


Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: DICKCISSEL – 1 on 8/26 and 8/27 (first-year male).

Sightings from LEASER LAKE, Lehigh County: BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERONS – 2 on 8/30.

Sightings from BAKE OVEN KNOB, Lehigh County: Osprey – 29 on 8/28 Bald Eagles – 7 on 8/28. Also Common Raven and Red-breasted Nuthatch.

Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Church Road area: SNOWY EGRET – 1 to 8/27 and 8/31 to at least 9/1 LITTLE BLUE HERONS – up to 2 to at least 8/30 Stilt Sandpipers – 1 on 8/27; 3 on 8/29 and 8/31 to at least 9/1.

Sightings from DEEP CREEK / KNIGHT LAKE area, Montgomery County: GLOSSY IBIS – 1 to at least 8/29.

Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: LAUGHING GULL – 1 on 8/27 YELLOW-BELLED FLYCATCHER – 1 on 8/27. Also Red-breasted Nuthatch.

  • End transcript