- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- February 26, 2016
Birds mentioned
BARROW’S GOLDENEYE Spotted Sandpiper Cackling Goose RED-HEADED WOODPECKER Golden Eagle Pine Warbler REDHEAD
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: February 26th at 1:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .
Sightings from the PORTLAND area, Northampton County: From the Portland footbridge: BARROW’S GOLDENEYE – 1 on 2/14 (female).
Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK PPL POWER PLANT area, Northampton County: At the boat launch area: Spotted Sandpiper – 1 from 1/5 to at least 2/14.
Sightings from LOWER MOUNT BETHEL TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: BARROW’S GOLDENEYE – 1 on 2/19 (female; at the Mud Run boat launch).
Sightings from the BETHLEHEM area, Northampton County: Peregrine Falcons – 2 on 2/14.
Sightings from HANOVER TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: Cackling Goose – 1 on 2/13 and 2/14 (on Monocacy Creek near Route 512 exit of Route 22).
Sightings from EAST ALLEN TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: RED-HEADED WOODPECKERS – 2 on 2/13 and 2/14 (along Valley View Road).
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: Red-breasted Merganser – 1 on 2/21.
Sightings from the FOGELSVILLE QUARRY, Lehigh County: Gray Catbird – 1 on 2/24.
Sightings from the HAAFSVILLE area, Lehigh County: Killdeer – 3 on 2/22.
Sightings from the PENNSBURG area, Montgomery County: Golden Eagle – 1 on 2/14 (immature; ‘fly-by’).
Sightings from HAYCOCK TOWNSHIP, Bucks County: Pine Warbler – 1 on 2/12 and 2/13 (at a private feeder).
Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: REDHEAD – 1 on 2/21.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 2/5/2016
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- February 5, 2016
Birds mentioned
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: February 5th at 2:00 PM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .
The next Audubon program will be held on February 12th at 7:00 PM at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. Dr. Dan Klem will do a program called “So You Want To Be A Birder.”
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .
Sightings from UPPER MOUNT BETHEL TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: BARROW’S GOLDENEYE – 1 from 1/25 to at least 2/3 (female; along River Road at Shawnee Drive).
Sightings from the RIVERTON area, Northampton County: REDHEAD – 1 on 1/30 and 1/31.
Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK PPL POWER PLANT area, Northampton County: At the boat launch area: Spotted Sandpiper – 1 from 1/5 to at least 2/1.
Sightings from LOWER MOUNT BETHEL TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: LAPLAND LONGSPUR – 1 on 1/30 (along Miller Road).
Sightings from PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: At the Grand Central landfill: THAYER’S GULL – 1 on 1/30 (second-winter) ICELAND GULLS – 2 on 1/30 (1 first-winter, 1 second-winter); 3 on 2/1 (2 first-winter, 1 adult); 1 on 2/2 (first-winter); 2 on 2/4 GLAUCOUS GULL – 1 on 2/1 (adult).
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: LONG-TAILED DUCKS – 7 on 2/4.
Sightings from the FOGELSVILLE QUARRY, Lehigh County: REDHEAD – 1 on 2/4.
Sightings from MERTZTOWN area, Berks County: Along Barclay Street: LAPLAND LONGSPUR – 1 on 2/2 SNOW BUNTINGS – 2 on 2/2.
Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: Baltimore Oriole – 1 on 1/31 and 2/2 (female; at a nearby private feeder).
Sightings from TINICUM TOWNSHIP, Bucks County: MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD – 1 from 12/20 to at least 2/2 (male; along Tory Road, just east of Wormansville Road). The bird is being seen on private property. You MUST bird from the road.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 1/22/2016
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- January 22, 2016
Birds mentioned
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: January 22nd at 3:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .
Sightings from the BANGOR area, Northampton County: Blue Jay – 1 on 1/15 (leucistic bird).
Sightings from PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: At the Grand Central landfill: ICELAND GULLS – 2 on 1/16 (1 adult, 1 first-winter bird).
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: Bonaparte’s Gull – 2 on 1/17.
Sightings from the FOGELSVILLE QUARRY, Lehigh County: REDHEAD – 1 on 1/20.
Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: Red-breasted Merganser – 1 on 1/17. Also Common Goldeneye.
Sightings from TINICUM TOWNSHIP, Bucks County: MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD – 1 from 12/20 to at least 1/21 (male; along Tory Road, just east of Wormansville Road). The bird is being seen on private property. You MUST bird from the road.
Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: REDHEAD – 1 on 1/20 and 1/21 GREATER SCAUP – 3 on 1/15 Common Mergansers – ~525 on 1/16. Also Brown Thrasher.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 1/15/2016
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- January 15, 2016
Birds mentioned
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: January 15th at 1:00 PM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .
There will be a field trip to waterfowl and gull hotspots in nearby New Jersey including a stop at Oberly Road for field birds on January 16th. Meet at the Tilghman Square parking lot, near the Red Robin restaurant, just west of Route 309 at 7:30 AM. Trip leader will be Mark Boyd.
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .
Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK PPL POWER PLANT area, Northampton County: At the boat launch area: Spotted Sandpiper – 1 from 1/5 to at least 1/9.
Sightings from PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: At the Grand Central landfill: ICELAND GULL – 1 on 1/14 (adult).
Sightings from LOWER NAZARETH TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: At the Gremar Road retention ponds: Common Yellowthroat – 1 on 1/10.
Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: COMMON REDPOLL – 1 on 1/10.
Sightings from TINICUM TOWNSHIP, Bucks County: MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD – 1 from 12/20 to at least 1/15 (male; along Tory Road, just east of Wormansville Road). The bird is being seen on private property. You MUST bird from the road.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 1/8/2016
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- January 8, 2016
Birds mentioned
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: January 8th at 5:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .
The next Audubon program will be held on January 8th at 7:00 PM at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. Scott Burnet will do a program on “Identifying Winter Waterfowl.”
There will be a field trip to local lakes for winter waterfowl on January 9th. Meet at the east parking lot at Cedar Beach Pool in Allentown at 8:00 AM. Trip leader will be Scott Burnet.
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .
Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK PPL POWER PLANT area, Northampton County: At the boat launch area: Spotted Sandpiper – 1 on 1/5 and 1/6.
Sightings from PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: At the Grand Central landfill: ICELAND GULL – 1 on 1/5 (first-year bird).
Sightings from the NAZARETH QUARRY, Northampton County: ROSS’S GOOSE – 1 on 1/7.
Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: “BLACK” BRANT – 1 from 1/1 to at least 1/4 (at Sailor’s Point) GREATER SCAUP – 6 on 1/5 Red-breasted Merganser – 1 on 1/7 (among ~500 Common Mergansers).
Sightings from LAKE NOCKAMIXON, Bucks County: RED-THROATED LOON – 1 on 1/6 (from the marina).
Sightings from TINICUM TOWNSHIP, Bucks County: MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD – 1 from 12/20 to at least 1/7 (male; along Tory Road, just east of Wormansville Road). The bird is being seen on private property. You MUST bird from the road. Cape May Warbler – 1 on 1/4 (also along Tory Road).
Sightings from LAKE WARREN, Bucks County: Eastern Phoebe – 1 on 1/3.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 1/3/2016 - Revised
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- January 3, 2016
Birds mentioned
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: January 3rd at 1:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .
The next Audubon program will be held on January 8th at 7:00 PM at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. Scott Burnet will do a program on “Identifying Winter Waterfowl.”
There will be a field trip to local lakes for winter waterfowl on January 9th. Meet at the east parking lot at Cedar Beach Pool in Allentown at 8:00 AM. Trip leader will be Scott Burnet.
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .
Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK PPL POWER PLANT area, Northampton County: GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE – 1 on 12/26.
Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK QUARRY, Northampton County: GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE – 1 on 1/1.
Sightings from PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: At the Grand Central landfill: ICELAND GULL – 1 on 1/1 (first-year bird).
Sightings from the NAZARETH QUARRY, Northampton County: ROSS’S GEESE – 4 on 1/2 (among ~25,000 Snow Geese) Cackling Geese – 10 on 1/2 Peregrine Falcon – 1 on 1/2 ICELAND GULL – 1 on 1/2 (first-year bird). Also Bald Eagle.
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: BLACK SCOTERS – 2 on 12/28.
Sightings from the PENN FOREST RESERVOIR area, Carbon County: RED-THROATED LOON – 1 on 12/28.
Sightings from the COPLAY area, Lehigh County: At the Sheetz Quarry: ROSS’S GOOSE – 1 on 1/1.
Sightings from the FOGELSVILLE QUARRY, Lehigh County: GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE – 1 from 12/25 to at least 1/1.
Sightings from LAKE NOCKAMIXON, Bucks County: WHITE-WINGED SCOTER – 1 on 12/26 (from the fishing pier).
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