- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- May 9, 2015
Birds mentioned
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: May 9th at 1:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .
There will be a field trip to the Plainfield Township Recreation Trail on May 9th. Meet at the Park & Ride lot at the William Penn Highway exit of Route 33, just south of Route 22, at 7:00 AM. I will be leading this trip.
Next week’s field trips include one to Leaser Lake on May 16th, one to the Monocacy Nature Center on May 17th, and another to State Game Lands 217 below Furnace Gap, also on May 17th.
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .
Sightings from UPPER MOUNT BETHEL TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: Along National Park Drive: GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER – 1 on 5/4.
Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: HARRIS’S SPARROW – 1 to at least 5/4.
Sightings from the BETHLEHEM BOAT CLUB area, Northampton County: YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER – 1 continuing since 4/12.
Sightings from the GREEN POND area, Northampton County: GLOSSY IBIS – 1 on 5/4.
Sightings from the MONOCACY NATURE CENTER, Northampton County: BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON – 1 on 4/30.
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: RED-NECKED GREBE – 1 from 4/23 to at least 4/25; 12 on 4/27; 1 on 4/28 AMERICAN AVOCET – 1 on 4/29 MARSH WREN – 1 on 4/26 ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER – 1 on 5/3.
Sightings from the GERMANSVILLE area, Lehigh County: CONNECTICUT WARBLER – 1 on 5/6.
Sightings from the FOGELSVILLE QUARRY, Lehigh County: RED-NECKED GREBE – 1 from 4/29.
Sightings from QUAKERTOWN SWAMP, Bucks County: AMERICAN BITTERNS – 2 on 4/25.
Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: Double-crested Cormorants – 230+ during last week of April.
PINE SISKINS remained at several sites this past week.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 4/24/2015
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- April 24, 2015
Birds mentioned
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: April 24th at 3:30 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .
Upcoming field trips include one to the Trexler Nature Preserve on May 2nd, one to Jacobsburg State Park for novices, also on May 2nd, and another to Jacobsburg State Park on May 3rd.
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .
Sightings from LAKE MINSI, Northampton County: Red-breasted Mergansers – 3 on 4/20; 4 on 4/21.
Sightings from JACOBSBURG STATE PARK, Northampton County: Red-breasted Nuthatch – 1 on 4/19.
Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: HARRIS’S SPARROW – 1 to at least 4/22 (near adult plumage). Also Ruby-throated Hummingbird and Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
Sightings from the BETHLEHEM BOAT CLUB area, Northampton County: YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER – 1 since 4/12.
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: SURF SCOTER – 1 on 4/21 WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS – 3 on 4/21 LONG-TAILED DUCKS – 2 on 4/21 GREATER SCAUP – 4 on 4/21 Common Goldeneye – 1 on 4/21 Red-breasted Mergansers – 1 from 4/17 to 4/21; 5 on 4/22 RED-NECKED GREBES – 2 from 4/19 to at least 4/22 Bonaparte’s Gulls – 3 on 4/21 Caspian Terns – 2 on 4/20 PINE SISKINS – 1 on 4/19; 2 on 4/20. Also Black-and-white Warbler and Prairie Warbler.
Sightings from LEASER LAKE, Lehigh County: LONG-TAILED DUCK – 1 on 4/21 Red-breasted Merganser – 1 on 4/17 and 4/18 Bonaparte’s Gull – 1 on 4/21.
Sightings from UPPER MACUNGIE TOWNSHIP, Lehigh County: Along Cetronia Road (near Air Products): Greater Yellowlegs – 1 on 4/21 Solitary Sandpipers – 2 at least 4/21.
Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Walt Road area: WHITE-WINGED SCOTER – 1 on 4/21 RED-NECKED GREBE – 1 on 4/20 Bonaparte’s Gulls – 1 on 4/19; 2 on 4/20. At the Deep Creek Lake area: LEAST BITTERN – 1 on 4/17 YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER – 1 from 4/17 to at least 4/22.
Sightings from LAKE NOCKAMIXON, Bucks County: RED-NECKED GREBE – 1 on 4/21.
Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS – 2 on 4/21 Red-breasted Merganser – 1 to at least 4/18 RED-NECKED GREBES – 2 on 4/21 and 4/22 Double-crested Cormorants – 258 on 4/17 WILLET – 1 on 4/21 Bonaparte's Gull – 1 to at least 4/18. Also Great Egret, Purple Martin, and Louisiana Waterthrush.
Green Heron, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Broad-winged Hawk, and Purple Finch were reported at several sites this past week.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 4/17/2015
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- April 17, 2015
Birds mentioned
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: April 17th at 1:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .
There will be a field trip to Housenick Park in Bethlehem on April 18th. Meet at the park, located at 3817 Christian Springs Road, Bethlehem, at 7:30 AM. Trip leader will be Scott Burnet.
The next field trip will be a beginner’s bird walk to the Monocacy Nature Center on April 25th. Meet at the parking lot at Illicks Mill Road at 8:00 AM. Trip leaders will be Sue Mahan and Stephen Kloiber.
There will also be a field trip to the Lehigh Parkway on April 25th. Meet at the Tilghman Square parking lot, near the Red Robin restaurant, just west of Route 309 at 7:30 AM. Trip leader will be Barbara Malt.
Yet another field trip will go to the Bethlehem Boat Club area of the Lehigh Canal on April 26th. Meet at the Park & Ride lot at the William Penn Highway exit of Route 33, just south of Route 22 at 7:30 AM. Trip leader will be Adam Smith.
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .
Sightings from LAKE MINSI, Northampton County: LONG-TAILED DUCKS – 1 to at least 4/10; 2 on 4/14 BLACK SCOTERS – 10 on 4/17 Red-breasted Mergansers – 6 on 4/10 RED-THROATED LOON – 1 on 4/17 RED-NECKED GREBE – 1 on 4/17 Dunlin – 1 on 4/10 Bonaparte’s Gulls – 12 on 4/9; 2 on 4/14 COMMON TERN – 1 on 4/10.
Sightings from BEAR SWAMP, Northampton County: Northern Waterthrush – 1 on 4/15.
Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK PPL POWER PLANT area, Northampton County: Bonaparte’s Gulls – 8 on 4/10. Also Bank Swallow.
Sightings from the NAZARETH QUARRY, Northampton County: RED-THROATED LOON – 1 from 4/9 to at least 4/14 Bonaparte’s Gulls – 4 on 4/14.
Sightings from LOWER NAZARETH TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: At the Gremar Road retention ponds: LONG-TAILED DUCKS – 5 to at least 4/10 Bonaparte’s Gull – 1 on 4/10. Also Hooded Merganser and Wilson’s Snipe.
Sightings from the BETHLEHEM BOAT CLUB area, Northampton County: YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER – 1 returning on 4/12.
Sightings from the GREEN POND area, Northampton County: Bonaparte’s Gulls – 2 on 4/10. Also Blue-winged Teal.
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: Red-breasted Mergansers – 2 on 4/14 RED-THROATED LOON – 1 from 4/10 to at least 4/12. Also Cliff Swallow.
Sightings from BAKE OVEN KNOB, Lehigh County: Bald Eagles – 2 on 4/15 Broad-winged Hawks – 77 on 4/15 Merlin – 1 on 4/15.
Sightings from LEASER LAKE, Lehigh County: Red-breasted Mergansers – 1 on 4/14 Caspian Tern – 1 on 4/12.
Sightings from the HAAFSVILLE area, Lehigh County: SANDHILL CRANE – 1 on 4/14. Also Wilson’s Snipe.
Sightings from UPPER MACUNGIE TOWNSHIP, Lehigh County: Along Cetronia Road (near Air Products): Solitary Sandpiper – 1 to at least 4/12.
Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Walt Road area: Red-breasted Mergansers – 9 on 4/10 RED-THROATED LOONS – 2 to at least 4/12 Dunlin – 1 on 4/11 Bonaparte’s Gull – 1 on 4/10 and 4/11; 18 on 4/14; 1 on 4/16. At the Church Road area: Green Heron – 1 on 4/10.
Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: Common Goldeneye – 1 to at least 4/10 RED-NECKED GREBE – 1 on 4/11 Peregrine Falcon – 1 on 4/11. Also Green Heron, Broad-winged Hawk, and Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.
Double-crested Cormorant, Osprey, Bald Eagle, and PINE SISKINS were reported at several sites this past week.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 4/3/2015
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- April 3, 2015
Birds mentioned
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: April 3rd at 4:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .
The next Audubon program will be held on April 3rd at 7:00 PM at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. Scott Burnet will do a program called “Attracting Birds with Nest Boxes, Feeders, and Water Features.”
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .
Sightings from the RIVERTON area, Northampton County: REDHEADS – 4 on 3/29.
Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK PPL POWER PLANT area, Northampton County: CANVASBACKS – 2 on 3/28; 3 on 3/29 REDHEADS – 3 on 3/28; 9 on 3/29 and 3/31 ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – 1 on 3/29 Peregrine Falcon – 1 on 3/29.
Sightings from LOWER NAZARETH TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: SANDHILL CRANE – 1 on 4/1 (‘fly-by’).
Sightings from FORKS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: ICELAND GULLS – 2 on 3/27 (at Braden Airpark).
Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: MISSISSIPPI KITE – 1 on 3/31 (‘fly-by’) HARRIS’S SPARROW – 1 to at least 3/29.
Sightings from the BETHLEHEM area, Lehigh County: AMERICAN BITTERN – 1 on 3/30 (in a private backyard).
Sightings from LEASER LAKE, Lehigh County: REDHEADS – 4 from 3/29 to at least 3/31 Double-crested Cormorants – 3 on 4/2.
Sightings from the HAAFSVILLE area, Lehigh County: Greater Yellowlegs – 2 on 3/31.
Sightings from the ALLENTOWN area, Lehigh County: At the Dorney Park pond: GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE – 1 on 3/27 CANVASBACKS – 2 on 3/27.
Sightings from WALKING PURCHASE PARK, Lehigh County: Red-breasted Mergansers – 3 on 3/28.
Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Church Road area: ROSS’S GOOSE – 1 on 3/27 and 3/28 Cackling Goose – 1 on 3/28 and 3/29 CANVASBACKS – 8 on 3/30 REDHEADS – 8 on 3/27; 5 on 3/28 and 3/29; 3 on 3/30; 13 on 4/1 Double-crested Cormorant – 1 on 3/29 Peregrine Falcon – 1 on 3/27. At Deep Creek Lake: Cackling Goose – 1 on 3/27 and 3/28. Also Common Raven.
Sightings from the GILBERTSVILLE area, Montgomery County: BULLOCK’S ORIOLE – 1 to at least 4/2 (along Oberholtzer Road).
Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: ICELAND GULLS – 2 on 3/28. Also Blue-winged Teal.
Osprey, Bald Eagle, displaying American Woodcock, Eastern Phoebe, Northern Rough-winged and Barn Swallow, and PINE SISKINS were reported at several sites this past week.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 3/27/2015
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- March 27, 2015
Birds mentioned
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: March 27th at 2:00 PM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .
The next Audubon program will be held on April 3rd at 7:00 PM at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. Scott Burnet will do a program called “Attracting Birds with Nest Boxes, Feeders, and Water Features.”
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .
Sightings from the CHERRY VALLEY N.W.R., Monroe County: ROSS’S GOOSE – 1 on 3/23.
Sightings from the BRODHEADSVILLE area, Monroe County: At Weir Lake: GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GEESE – 2 on 3/24 and 3/25.
Sightings from the SAYLORSBURG area, Monroe County: Pine Warbler – 1 on 3/23 (at a private feeder).
Sightings from the RIVERTON area, Northampton County: REDHEADS – 3 on 3/20; 4 on 3/25.
Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK PPL POWER PLANT area, Northampton County: ROSS’S GEESE – 2 on 3/22 Cackling Goose – 1 on 3/22 CANVASBACKS – 5 on 3/20; 8 on 3/21; 7 on 3/22; 1 on 3/25; 2 on 3/27 REDHEADS – 23 on 3/20; 31 on 3/21; 28 on 3/22; 2 on 3/25 and 3/27; 3 on 3/26 Red-breasted Mergansers – 1 on 3/21 and 3/27 ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – 1 on 3/22 (light morph) Brown Thrasher – 1 on 3/25.
Sightings from LOWER NAZARETH TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: Red-breasted Merganser – 1 on 3/22 ICELAND GULLS – 2 on 3/21 and 3/22 (along Route 191 near Newburg) Bonaparte’s Gull – 1 on 3/21 (along Route 191 near Newburg).
Sightings from the MONOCACY NATURE CENTER, Northampton County: Brown Thrasher – 1 on 3/25.
Sightings from EAST ALLEN TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: Along Arrowhead Road: ROSS’S GOOSE – 1 on 3/22 (blue morph) LAPLAND LONGSPUR – 1 on 3/21. Also Tundra Swan and American Pipit.
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – 1 on 3/23 (dark morph).
Sightings from UPPER MACUNGIE TOWNSHIP, Lehigh County: Eastern Phoebe and American Pipit (at Long Lane and Tillage Road).
Sightings from the TREXLERTOWN area, Lehigh County: Wilson’s Snipe – 4 on 3/21 (along Cetronia Road).
Sightings from the ALLENTOWN area, Lehigh County: At the Dorney Park pond: CANVASBACKS – 3 on 3/20; 5 on 3/21 and 3/22; 2 on 3/23 REDHEADS – 7 on 3/21 GREATER SCAUP – 3 on 3/21.
Double-crested Cormorants – 1 on 3/14; 2 on 3/15.
Sightings from SMITH LANE, near Alburtis, Lehigh County: LAPLAND LONGSPUR – 1 on 3/21.
Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Church Road area: ROSS’S GEESE – 1 on 3/21 and 3/22; 2 on 3/24 Snow Geese – ~12,000 on 3/23 Cackling Goose – 1 on 3/22 CANVASBACKS – 5 on 3/24 REDHEADS – 1 on 3/22 and 3/23 GREATER SCAUP – 1 on 3/23 Red-breasted Mergansers – 8 on 3/22 Bonaparte’s Gulls – 3 on 3/26. Also Common Raven and Eastern Meadowlark. At Deep Creek Lake: GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE – 1 on 3/22 and 3/23 Cackling Geese – 2 on 3/25.
Sightings from the GILBERTSVILLE area, Montgomery County: BULLOCK’S ORIOLE – 1 to at least 3/20 (along Oberholtzer Road).
Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: GLAUCOUS GULL – 1 on 3/22.
Tundra Swan, Bald Eagle, displaying American Woodcock, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, and PINE SISKINS were reported at several sites this past week.
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Eastern PA Birdline: 3/20/2015
- Pennsylvania
- Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
- March 20, 2015
Birds mentioned
- Transcript
Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: March 20th at 2:00 PM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.
You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .
You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .
Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .
Sightings from the PORTLAND area, Northampton County: From the Portland footbridge: CANVASBACK – 1 from 3/13 to 3/15 REDHEADS – 7 on 3/13 WHITE-WINGED SCOTER – 1 on 3/13 Red-breasted Merganser – 1 on 3/13.
Sightings from the RIVERTON area, Northampton County: REDHEADS – 6 on 3/14; 7 from 3/15 to 3/17.
Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK PPL POWER PLANT area, Northampton County: Cackling Goose – 1 on 3/16 CANVASBACKS – 7 on 3/14; 4 on 3/15 and 3/16 REDHEADS – 1 on 3/13; 22 on 3/14; 23 on 3/15 Red-breasted Mergansers – 3 on 3/14 and 3/16 ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS – 2 on 3/17 (light morphs) LAPLAND LONGSPUR – 1 on 3/18 (‘fly-by’s).
Sightings from the SANDT’S EDDY area, Northampton County: CANVASBACK – 1 on 3/15 REDHEADS – 2 on 3/15.
Sightings from PLAINFIELD TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: At the Grand Central landfill: ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – 1 on 3/13 ICELAND GULLS – 2 on 3/13.
Sightings from HUGH MOORE PARK, Northampton County: REDHEADS – 9 on 3/14.
Sightings from the BETHLEHEM area, Northampton County: Peregrine Falcons – 1 on 3/13.
Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK – 1 on 3/16.
Sightings from the FOGELSVILLE QUARRY, Lehigh County: GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE – 1 on 3/18.
Sightings from UPPER MACUNGIE TOWNSHIP, Lehigh County: BARNACLE GOOSE – 1 on 3/17 (at Long Lane and Tillage Road) GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE – 1 on 3/17 (‘fly-by’ at Long Lane and Tillage Road).
Sightings from the TREXLERTOWN area, Lehigh County: Pectoral Sandpiper – 1 on 3/18 (along Cetronia Road).
Sightings from the ALLENTOWN area, Lehigh County: At the Dorney Park pond: CANVASBACKS – 3 on 3/13 to 3/15; 7 on 3/17; 6 on 3/18 REDHEADS – 10 on 3/13; 4 on 4/14; 6 on 3/15; 7 on 3/17 Double-crested Cormorant – 1 on 3/14; 2 on 3/15.
Sightings from LAKE MUHLENBERG, Lehigh County: Red-breasted Mergansers – 2 on 3/13 Double-crested Cormorant – 1 on 3/13.
Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Church Road area: Tundra Swans – 84 on 3/18 ROSS’S GOOSE – 1 on 3/18 and 3/19 Snow Geese – ~20,000 on 3/19 Cackling Goose – 1 on 3/15, 3/18, and 3/19 Northern Pintails – 162 on 3/16 REDHEADS – 2 on 3/14; 8 on 3/17; 3 on 3/19 SHORT-EARED OWL – 1 on 3/16.
Sightings from the GILBERTSVILLE area, Montgomery County: BULLOCK’S ORIOLE – 1 to at least 3/18 (along Oberholtzer Road).
Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: CANVASBACKS – 2 on 3/17 REDHEAD – 1 on 3/13 GREATER SCAUP – 4 to at least 3/14 Red-breasted Mergansers up to 6 to at least 3/14 Common Mergansers - ~583 on 3/13. Also Common Raven and Fox Sparrow.
Bald Eagle, Killdeer, Tree Swallow, and PINE SISKINS were reported at several sites this past week.
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