Eastern PA Birdline: 5/6/2016

  • RBA
  • Pennsylvania
  • Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
  • May 6, 2016
  • PAEA1605.06

  • Birds mentioned


  • Transcript

Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: May 6th at 12:00 Noon To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.

You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .

You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .

There will be a field trip to the Jordan Creek Parkway on May 7th. Meet at the tennis courts parking lot off Lehnert Road/Scherersville Road at 7:30 AM. Trip leader will be Alan Jennings.

There will also be a field trip to the Plainfield Township Recreational Trail on May 8th. Meet at the Park & Ride lot at the William Penn Highway exit of Route 33, just south of Route 22 at 7:00 AM. I will be leading this trip.

Next week’s field trips include a trip to Leaser Lake on the 14th, a trip to State Game Lands #217 below Furnace Gap on the 15th, and another trip to State Game Lands #205 in Lehigh County, also on the 15th.

Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .


Sightings from UPPER MOUNT BETHEL TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: Along National Park Drive: GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER – 1 on 4/28. Also Hooded Warbler. Along Institute Road: ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER – 1 on 4/29.

Sightings from LAKE MINSI, Northampton County: GLOSSY IBIS – 1 on 5/4 COMMON TERNS – 2 on 5/3; 1 on 5/4 Caspian Terns – 7 on 5/3; 12 on 5/4.

Sightings from ECHO LAKE, Northampton County: Bonaparte’s Gull – 1 on 5/4.

Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK QUARRY, Northampton County: Caspian Terns – 4 on 5/4.

Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK area, Northampton County: BLUE GROSBEAK – 1 from 4/28 to at least 5/1 (at a private feeder).

Sightings from PALMER TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: At the intersection of Main Street and Van Buren Road: GLOSSY IBIS – 1 on 5/4 Black-bellied Plovers – 4 on 5/4.

Sightings from BETHLEHEM TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: WILLET – 1 on 5/3 (at the St. Luke’s Anderson Campus retention pond).

Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: Red-breasted Mergansers– 2 on 4/28 and 4/29; 1 on 5/1 to at least 5/4 RED-THROATED LOON – 1 on 4/29, 4/30, and 5/3 SNOWY EGRET – 1 from 4/29 to at least 5/1 Merlin – 1 on 5/4 BLACK TERN – 1 on 5/4 COMMON TERN – 1 on 5/3 PINE SISKIN – 1 on 4/29.

Sightings from LEASER LAKE, Lehigh County: FORSTER’S TERNS – 3 on 4/29; 2 on 4/30 Caspian Tern – 1 on 5/4 Rusty Blackbird – 1 on 4/30.

Sightings from STATE GAME LANDS 217, Lehigh County: GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSHES – 2 on 5/1.

Sightings from the ALBURTIS area, Lehigh County: SORA – 1 on 5/5 (at a retention pond along Scenic View Drive).

Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Church Road area: MARSH WREN – 1 on 5/3. At the Deep Creek Lake area: YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER – 1 on 5/1.

Sightings from the UPPER BLACK EDDY area, Bucks County: At Giving Pond: PROTHONOTARY WARBLER – 1 on 5/3.

Sightings from LAKE NOCKAMIXON, Bucks County: AMERICAN BITTERN – 1 on 5/2.

Sightings from LAKE TOWHEE, Bucks County: TRUMPETER SWAN – 1 to at least 5/1.

Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: Double-crested Cormorants – 97 on 4/28 PROTHONOTARY WARBLER – 1 from 4/25 to at least 5/4.

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Eastern PA Birdline: 4/1/2016

  • RBA
  • Pennsylvania
  • Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
  • April 1, 2016
  • PAEA1604.01

  • Birds mentioned


  • Transcript

Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: April 1st at 4:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.

You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .

You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .

The next Audubon program will be held on April 15th at 7:00 PM at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. Scott Burnet will do a program called “Jewels In Your Garden – Fascinating Hummingbirds.”

There will be a field trip to Leaser Lake on April 17th. Meet at Leaser Lake’s North Boat Launch at 8:00 AM. Trip leader will be Frank Dickman.

Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .


Sightings from LAKE MINSI, Northampton County: LONG-TAILED DUCKS – 5 on 3/28 Bonaparte’s Gull – 1 on 3/28.

Sightings from the NAZARETH QUARRY, Northampton County: LONG-TAILED DUCKS – 3 on 3/28.

Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: WHITE-WINGED SCOTERS – 3 on 3/28 PINE SISKINS – 2 on 3/25 and 3/27.

Sightings from LAKE TOWHEE, Bucks County: TRUMPETER SWAN – 1 on 3/30.

Double-crested Cormorant, Purple Martin, Barn Swallow, and Brown Thrasher were noted in the area this past week.

  • End transcript

Eastern PA Birdline: 3/25/2016

  • RBA
  • Pennsylvania
  • Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
  • March 25, 2016
  • PAEA1603.25

  • Birds mentioned

“Gambel’s” White-crowned Sparrow PINE SISKIN GREATER SCAUP

  • Transcript

Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: March 25th at 2:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.

You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .

You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .

The next Audubon program will be held on April 15th at 7:00 PM at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. Scott Burnet will do a program called “Jewels In Your Garden – Fascinating Hummingbirds.”

There will be a field trip to Leaser Lake on April 17th. Meet at Leaser Lake’s North Boat Launch at 8:00 AM. Trip leader will be Frank Dickman.

Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .


Sightings from WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: “Gambel’s” White-crowned Sparrow – 1 during this past week.

Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: PINE SISKINS – 5 on 3/20.

Sightings from the SCHNECKSVILLE area, Lehigh County: Peregrine Falcon – 1 on 3/21.

Sightings from QUAKERTOWN SWAMP, Bucks County: Rusty Blackbird – 1 on 3/19.

Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Walt Road area: GREATER SCAUP – 4 on 3/19; 1 on 3/20 Bonaparte’s Gull – 1 on 3/19.

Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: Double-crested Cormorants – 10 on 3/19.

Northern Rough-winged Swallow and Chipping Sparrow were noted in the area this past week.

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Eastern PA Birdline: 3/18/2016

  • RBA
  • Pennsylvania
  • Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
  • March 18, 2016
  • PAEA1603.18

  • Birds mentioned


  • Transcript

Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: March 18th at 9:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.

You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .

You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .

There will be a field trip to Leaser Lake on April 17th. Meet at Leaser Lake’s North Boat Launch at 8:00 AM. Trip leader will be Frank Dickman.

Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .


Sightings from UPPER MOUNT BETHEL TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: COMMON REDPOLLS – 3 on 3/15 (in a backyard near Lake Minsi).

Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: PINE SISKINS – 2 on 3/11.

Sightings from PEACE VALLEY PARK, Bucks County: Osprey – 1 on 3/15.

American Woodcock, Tree Swallows, and Eastern Phoebe were noted in the area this past week.

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Eastern PA Birdline: 3/11/2016

  • RBA
  • Pennsylvania
  • Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
  • March 11, 2016
  • PAEA1603.11

  • Birds mentioned


  • Transcript

Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: March 11th at 3:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.

You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .

You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .

The next Audubon program will be held on March 11th at 7:00 PM at the Wildlands Conservancy in Emmaus. Brandon Ruhe, President of the Mid-Atlantic Center for Herpetology and Conservation, will do a program on “Amphibians and Reptiles of Pennsylvania.”

There will be a field trip to the Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area on March 12th. Meet at the Tilghman Square parking lot, near the Red Robin restaurant, just west of Route 309 at 1:00 PM. Trip leader will be Peter Saenger.

Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .


Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK PPL POWER PLANT area, Northampton County: At the boat launch area: Spotted Sandpiper – 1 from 1/5 to at least 3/7.

Sightings from the NAZARETH QUARRY, Northampton County: ROSS’S GOOSE – 1 on 3/10.

Sightings from EAST ALLEN TOWNSHIP, Northampton County: RED-HEADED WOODPECKER – 1 on 3/10 (along Valley View Road).

Sightings from BELTZVILLE STATE PARK, Carbon County: Red-breasted Merganser – 1 on 3/10 PINE SISKINS – 5 on 3/7; 2 on 3/10.

Sightings from the NEW TRIPOLI area, Lehigh County: ROSS’S GOOSE – 1 on 3/5 (along Flint Hill Road).

Sightings from the HAAFSVILLE area, Lehigh County: Tundra Swans – 3 on 3/7.

Tree Swallows were noted in the area this past week.

  • End transcript

Eastern PA Birdline: 3/4/2016

  • RBA
  • Pennsylvania
  • Lehigh / Northampton Counties and Vicinity
  • March 4, 2016
  • PAEA1603.04

  • Birds mentioned


  • Transcript

Hotline: Eastern PA Birdline Date: March 4th at 5:00 AM To Report by E-Mail: Send to becard@rcn.com with “Birdline” in subject heading. Compiler: Dave DeReamus My reporting area includes all of Lehigh and Northampton Counties with the northern edge of the area reaching Beltzville State Park and the southern edge reaching Peace Valley Park in Bucks County. Updates are typically done every Friday, more often when necessary.

You can visit the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Website at http://www.lvaudubon.org/ .

You can visit my 'Eastern PA Birding' Website for photos and information at http://users.rcn.com/becard/home.html .

There will be a field trip to the Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area on March 12th. Meet at the Tilghman Square parking lot, near the Red Robin restaurant, just west of Route 309 at 1:00 PM. Trip leader will be Peter Saenger.

Directions to many of the sites in this report can be found in the area’s birding guidebook, “Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinity”. A completely revised, 2nd edition of the book can be ordered at: http://www.lvaudubon.org/shop/ .


Sightings from LAKE MINSI, Northampton County: ICELAND GULL – 1 on 2/28.

Sightings from the MARTINS CREEK PPL POWER PLANT area, Northampton County: At the boat launch area: Spotted Sandpiper – 1 from 1/5 to at least 3/3.

Sightings from LAKE NOCKAMIXON, Bucks County: REDHEADS – 3 on 2/26.

Sightings from GREEN LANE RESERVOIR, Montgomery County: At the Church Road area: GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE – 1 on 2/29.

American Woodcocks were noted from both Lehigh and Northampton Counties.

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