Pennsylvania’s 1st Winter Atlas Needs Your Help

Earlier in 2024 Pennsylvania birders of all ages and skill levels began working together to map the breeding and status of bird species in the state as part of the 3rd Pennsylvania Bird Atlas (PBA3), a 5-year-long survey that will end February 2029.

The PBA3 will include Pennsylvania’s first Winter Atlas which will set an important baseline for data on the distribution and abundance of the state’s winter avifauna.

The Winter Survey began December 1, 2024, and most of the data will be collected by volunteers. For directions on how to participate in the Winter Survey, get the Winter Atlas Volunteer Handbook, read how to complete Winter Priority Blocks and conduct Winter Water Surveys specifically for the Winter Atlas, watch the recording of November’s Atlas Town Hall - Introduction to Winter Atlas.

This project is supported by the PA Game Commission (PGC), headquartered at Hawk Mountain, and facilitated by Cornell Lab’s eBird online tools. The PGC initiated this project to update the information they need to prioritize conservation actions and to protect the birds of Pennsylvania. Findings will guide conservation for years to come. Read the PA Bird Atlas 3 Volunteer Handbook to learn how to participate during the other seasons.

In addition to volunteers, Pennsylvania Bird Atlas is hiring a team of seasonal point count technicians to conduct surveys throughout Pennsylvania during the summer of 2025.
Deadline to Apply to be a Paid Seasonal Research Technician for Pennsylvania Bird Atlas:
April 18, 2025, but applications will be reviewed upon receipt

Employment Dates: May 19 – mid July 2025

Preference will be given to applicants with previous point count experience and eBird experience. Prior birding experience need not be through a paid position, but ability to identify birds of Pennsylvania by sight and sound required.

Read all the job details and how to apply here.

OWLOWEEN -- Presented By Lehigh Valley Audubon Society And The Wildlands Conservancy

When:  Saturday, October 26, 2024  -- 11am  To  1pm

CALLING ALL ADULTS AND CHILDREN (Feel free to come in costume) 

Come Join Us for a morning filled with

Information About Owls

presented by Kathy Uhler,

Past Director Of The Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

Then, meet the Resident Owls Of The Wildlands 

with Annmarie Sanderson,

Environmental Educator For The Wildlands

Dissect Owl Pellets to Learn about Their Diets

Enjoy Some Crafts

Take a Short Hike On One Of The Trails with Annmarie


Where: The Dorothy Rider Pool Wildlife Sanctuary (Wildlands Conservancy)

3701 Orchid Place, Emmaus, PA

Lehigh Valley Audubon Society Community Events

Barbara Malt

Originally Published in July - September 2024 Quarterly Newsletter of The Lehigh Valley Audubon Society

Lehigh Valley Audubon Society (LVAS) had a busy spring meeting the public and providing information about birds and conservation at community events! We were at Herbein’s Garden Center’s 50th anniversary celebration, Allentown’s Earth Day fair, and the Rodale Spring Organic Market and Plant Sale. We also had a table at our stationary bird count for the public at the Lehigh Parkway. Altogether, we talked to about 300 members of the Lehigh Valley community!

LVAS Information Table at Community Event

Purple Martins at Minsi Lake

Jim Wilson, Recreation & Conservation Specialist, Northampton County Parks

Originally Published in July - September 2024 Quarterly Newsletter of The Lehigh Valley Audubon Society

There were no Purple Martins nesting at Minsi Lake before 2020.

Purple Martin project at Minsi Lake

Since Northampton County Parks Martin Habitat Partnership initiative with LVAS was begun in 2020 with Mike McCartney, Scott Burnett, and Tim Kita, the success of this species at Minsi Lake has been phenomenal. Thanks to LVAS volunteers, a large and growing Purple Martin colony can now be seen at Minsi.

Over the past five years, five 18-unit condo towers have been installed. Occupancy this nesting season in those condos (36 of which are new this season) is over 90% with nesting pairs in 80 of the 90 condo units. At Minsi Lake, it really is a build it and they will come situation. The lake provides an ideal habitat for these birds of greatest conservation need—a shallow, warm water lake teeming with dragonflies and other food sources.

There is lakeside space at Minsi for eight more 18-unit Purple Martin nesting towers.

Northampton County Parks and Recreation will fund three more towers at the Lake for next year’s nesting season, and Friends of Minsi Lake will have funding for the remaining five towers.

The expanded Purple Martin project at Minsi Lake means more volunteers will be needed to maintain and monitor the nesting condos over time. The Northampton County Parks and Recreation and LVAS partnership now manages 108 condos in six nesting towers—five at Minsi Lake Park and one at Louise Moore Park. Next year, they’ll be tasked with 144 units, which the small team of dedicated volunteers have agreed to do. If the Purple Martins indicate there’s continued need for nesting cavities at Minsi, up to five more towers will be provided the following year—for a total of 13 Purple Martin condo towers and 234 units to maintain and monitor from March through September.

Maintenance involves removing the PVC nesting gourds from their towers after each season, hosing them out and storing them at a nearby Parks and Rec facility. The gourds are then brought back to the lake in late winter. Pine straw is placed in each condo and the condos are attached to the towers in numeric order for recording nesting data in each unit throughout the spring and summer.

Monitoring during the nesting season requires one or two volunteers to visually check each of the 18 condos hanging from the towers by lowering and raising the racks. Observations are then recorded on a datasheet that is eventually shared with several national databases to track Purple Martins and the community and citizen conservation science needed to sustain them here in the East.

After hatching, only federally licensed bird banders can physically handle and weigh, measure and band the Purple Martin chicks when they are several weeks old. Volunteers are still needed to shuttle chicks in baskets back and forth from their nests to the banding station set up next to the towers.

Northampton County Parks and Recreation needs LVAS continued support to help with installation labor, monitoring, maintenance, winter storage, and, of course, all the banding and data collection done each nesting season. If anyone is interested in volunteering their time to this project in 2025 and subsequent years, please send an email to James Wilson, Recreation & Conservation Specialist for Northampton County Parks, at

Allentown Public Library Children’s Program

Barbara Malt

Originally Published in April - June 2024 Quarterly Newsletter of The Lehigh Valley Audubon Society

With spring in sight, LVAS gave a children’s program on migration at the Allentown Public Library on March 9. We talked about migration – including what is it, what birds and other animals migrate and why, and who goes how far. Then, we played bird bingo to practice our ID to welcome arriving migrants. Last, kids ran around finding bird pictures in the children’s room to fill out a scavenger hunt card and decode a message. They all took home a bird ID sheet and a bird tattoo.

LVAS Vice President, Barbara Malt, teaching about bird migration at Allentown Public Library, Spring 2024

Sixteen children and 9 adults attended. This was part of a library series on nature instituted by the Allentown Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) and organized by EAC intern and LVAS member, Felice Cragin. Funding for the internship was provided by Bird Town Pennsylvania.

Photo of Children playing Bird Bingo at Allentown Public Library from LVAS Newsletter April 2024

Children playing Bird Bingo at Allentown Public Library from LVAS Newsletter April 2024

LVAS Donates Birding Backpacks

Barbara Malt

Originally Published in January - March 2024 Quarterly Newsletter of The Lehigh Valley Audubon Society

LVAS recently donated four birding backpacks to the children’s room at the Allentown Public Library. Each knapsack contains a field guide, a child-friendly pair of 6x Kowa binoculars, and simple instruction sheets in English and Spanish . Many thanks to our partners who helped make this possible: Lehigh Gap Nature Center for design/layout and Spanish translations, LL Bean for donating the knapsacks, and Kowa for donating the binoculars! What a team effort!

If you live in Allentown or any municipality that has library privileges with Allentown, you can check out a birding knapsack for up to three weeks. Parents and teachers out there, please alert any child or parent who may be interested!

Photo of LVAS Board Member, Barbara Malt Delivering Birding Backpacks to Allentown Public Library

Photo of LVAS Board Member, Barbara Malt, delivering Birding Backpacks to Allentown Public Library